Our Story

About The Proposal Lab

Before We Talk About Us, Let’s Talk About You

You want to do more than submit another proposal; you need to deliver a winning bid. A document that puts your company’s best foot forward. A submission that is professional on every level and communicates the value only your firm can deliver. A document that your prospective client enjoys reading – one that speaks in a language they understand while demonstrating how your service will transform their business.

Crafting a Winning Submission

Authoring a winning submission, however, takes time. And expertise. It requires a team with a broad range of skills, including writers, editors, and graphic designers. It demands a group of proposal professionals that have spent decades honing their craft and possess the know-how to implement the hallmarks of a winning submission.

We understand your frustration. RFPs are often complicated and overwhelming. It is not easy to answer a long list of technical questions, instill confidence, and communicate your firm’s unique value.

Mastering Winning Proposals: Your Trusted Partner for Business Success

We know how you feel. There is nothing worse in the world of business than losing a contract that you should have won. It is a difficult decision to trust another firm with something so crucial as proposal writing. We understand that.

The simple truth is that we know what a successful proposal looks like and how to construct one from the ground up. Though no two proposals are the same, the process for a winning submission never changes.

A Decade of Experience

Over the past eleven years, the Proposal Lab team has helped hundreds of small to medium-sized companies grow through professionally written proposals. We help clients tell their stories and put their best foot forward through solicited, unsolicited, or proactive submissions.

For many clients, needing to secure a “must-win” project or discovering their proposals are falling behind the competition is their trigger for contacting us.

Business to Business Expertise

Established in 2010, we provide a range of proposal writing services to business-to-business (B2B), professional services firms across Canada and the U.S.A., including those in these industries.

The Art + Science of Compelling Proposals

With 300+ proposals to our credit over the past five years, we’ve perfected the art and science of persuasive, compelling proposals. We’ve helped our clients win often, but we have also been by their side when, frankly, we lost some we felt we should have won. As a potential new client of The Proposal Lab, you benefit from our past successes and failures.

Every proposal we author is an opportunity to refine our approach and test new techniques to persuade evaluators better. And each proposal debrief helps us enhance our methodology and improve our clients’ odds of winning.

With every submission, our RFP proposal writing service gets more robust, and our team of proposal experts more capable. Over the last ten years, we’ve invested in time-saving processes and technologies that help us create winning, incredibly persuasive proposals for our clients. Every day, we explore new, more modern ways to streamline the bid process and improve our clients’ submission quality. As a result, we have decreased the time, resources, and angst associated with proposal management while increasing your chances of winning the next RFQ or RFP.