How to Win Your Next Healthcare RFP

The healthcare industry is rife with opportunities. If you are a company targeting the industry for business, be ready to respond to complex RFPs to win these contracts. In this highly regulated industry, attention to detail, respect for data privacy and security, and a powerful product or service are key.




The healthcare industry is vast and dynamic, and responding to a healthcare RFP is demanding. Healthcare comprises a broad cross-section of services including healthcare delivery and facilities, medical and therapeutic businesses, insurance, managed care, medical imaging, hardware, software, medical device and drug manufacturers. However, in one way or the other, they ultimately all serve the general population.

Many areas of this sector are government-regulated and thus, must issue RFPs to procure products and services. Proposal writing in response to these complex requests for proposals can be challenging. However, there are some ways to help you improve your chances of success when responding to your healthcare RFP.

When crafting your proposal response, compliance is not enough. You must differentiate yourself from your competition. The real challenge, then, is demonstrating your value in a compelling fashion that sets you apart from other proponents. The selection committee must understand clearly your experience, capabilities and value proposition. You must make it easy and obvious for them to choose you.

Given the diversity of the industry and the variety of services they require, each response must be tailored thoughtfully and specifically to the requirements outlined in the bid documents. However, there are some general tips to employ when crafting a healthcare response.

Tips for a Winning Healthcare RFP

1. Understand your capabilities and your competition

You must consider that healthcare RFPs for procurement are often extensive, expensive, and arduous. Proposals are expected to be detailed, meticulously prepared, and compliant to be competitive. Does your firm have the resources and know-how to develop a comprehensive proposal? Also, do you have a thorough understanding of the competitive landscape? Is your service or product competitive? Do you have any champions within the organization that can serve as cheerleaders on the inside?  These are all important questions to ask before embarking on a converted proposal effort.

2. Know your audience

The vendor and vendee relationship should never be treated as solely transactional. This is especially true in healthcare where long and enduring mutual partnerships are valued. When building your response, be sure to highlight the value you place on building trust and nurturing ties across all levels of the organization.  Also, gain as much information as you can on the selection committee. Knowing who is awarding the contract can help you craft a response tailored to addressing the issues and concerns of the selectors.

3. Clearly articulate and understand the ‘ask’

For clarity’s sake, we recommend reiterating the requirements in an executive summary to make it clear you understand the purpose of the bid and the client need to be filled by your proposed solution. Also emphasize your compliance with all the terms and conditions of the Healthcare RFP.

4. Demonstrate compliance

The healthcare industry is highly regulated by different associations, organizations, and governments. Healthcare institutions such as clinics, health facilities, and hospitals adhere to government policies and regulations to which they are strictly compliant.  They expect proponents to be equally so in their responses to an RFP. This is particularly important when it comes to Privacy of Information (data privacy) and security. Your proposal should assure them that you will diligently comply with all legal and other terms set out in the Healthcare RFP document governing data privacy and security. We recommend reviewing the bid documents thoroughly and creating a compliance checklist to reference and guide your response.  Also, be aware that these terms vary from tender to tender so create one for each RFP.

5. Describe your solution clearly

Spend most of your efforts on this section of your proposal. This is where the selection committee will spend the majority of their time evaluating whether or not your company can adequately meet their needs. Present your solution in a way that addresses each requirement clearly and in the prescribed Healthcare RFP format.  Consider including a table that maps their asks to your solution components so your suitability is unmistakable.

6. Explain why your solution is a strategic fit

This is where having an internal champion is a particular asset. Leverage any relationships you have to gain insight into the culture and vision of the organization. If you can demonstrate your capabilities in a manner that shows your values and vision are aligned, your strategic position will be well-served.

When articulating the suitability of your product or service, you must clearly spell out how your capabilities deliver to the expressed (and unexpressed) requirements outlined in the RFP.

7. Choose references strategically

Carefully consider which references you choose. They should reflect a similar size (dollar value or scale), similar timeline or similar client to the one issuing the RFP. Provide as much information you can on the scope of services you provided celebrating successes and the positive impact of your solution, services or product adoption. Results speak volumes so if you have data that supports your success, include it.

8. Scope and cost carefully

In an industry sandwiched between cost-efficiency and quality, costing a proposal that hits both is key. Clearly articulate the Scope of Work you are pricing, listing assumptions and caveats to protect yourself from unpredictable impacts.

Be aware, too, that a well-conceived and articulated financial section is another way to demonstrate your experience and industry knowledge. In your pricing schedule, be sure to convey your understanding of possible schedule, resourcing and pricing impacts. If you know of interdependencies with parallel projects or technologies, share them here too. These types of insights are critical to costing and may even provide valuable information to the selection committee.

Writing a powerful, winning proposal has never been more important than today. In the healthcare industry, it is often critical to securing business and securing the revenue growth of your company.  If you do not have a dedicated team of professionals able to create a complex and comprehensive response to a healthcare RFP, you might consider approaching a company that specialized in proposal writing to help you win business.

The Proposal Lab is a trusted business writing company with ten years of experience helping small to medium-sized companies win healthcare opportunities.